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Littlestown, PA

 (717) 359-5300

July 2023

Tuesday, 25 July 2023 00:00

Reasons for Heel Pain

Heel pain is a common foot condition and can be caused by various reasons. Plantar fasciitis is the most common reason patients may have heel pain, followed by Achilles tendonitis and arthritis. When heel pain occurs in physically active children and young adults, it may indicate that Sever’s disease has developed. Heel pain often comes from overuse, or from wearing shoes that do not fit correctly. Additionally, there may be existing medical conditions that can lead to experiencing heel pain, such as flat feet or obesity. A stress fracture of the heel bone will often lead to heel pain, or it can come from osteomyelitis, which is a heel bone infection. Heel pain may be prevented by gently stretching the heel before engaging in running and jumping activities. If you have heel pain, it is strongly suggested that you are under the care of a podiatrist who can determine what the cause is, and offer correct treatment options.

Many people suffer from bouts of heel pain. For more information, contact Dr. Todd Goldberg of Complete Family Foot Care Center. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Causes of Heel Pain

Heel pain is often associated with plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a band of tissues that extends along the bottom of the foot. A rip or tear in this ligament can cause inflammation of the tissue.

Achilles tendonitis is another cause of heel pain. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon will cause pain from fractures and muscle tearing. Lack of flexibility is also another symptom.

Heel spurs are another cause of pain. When the tissues of the plantar fascia undergo a great deal of stress, it can lead to ligament separation from the heel bone, causing heel spurs.

Why Might Heel Pain Occur?

  • Wearing ill-fitting shoes                  
  • Wearing non-supportive shoes
  • Weight change           
  • Excessive running


Heel pain should be treated as soon as possible for immediate results. Keeping your feet in a stress-free environment will help. If you suffer from Achilles tendonitis or plantar fasciitis, applying ice will reduce the swelling. Stretching before an exercise like running will help the muscles. Using all these tips will help make heel pain a condition of the past.

If you have any questions please contact our office located in Littlestown, PA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Heel Pain
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Tuesday, 18 July 2023 00:00

The Basics of a Broken Toe

The majority of broken toes are considered to be minor injuries, despite the pain and discomfort they can cause. A broken toe generally occurs due to a heavy object falling on it, or if it is stubbed on a piece of furniture. The symptoms many people experience can include pain, swelling, bruising, and it is often difficult to walk. The buddy taping method is an effective solution to treat mildly broken toes. This is done by taping the broken toe to the toe next to it, which can give it the stability it needs as it heals. It is beneficial to keep weight off of the affected foot as much as possible, and the swelling may be reduced when the injured toe is frequently elevated. If a bone protrudes from the skin, this type of injury needs immediate medical attention, and surgery may be required to realign the bone. If you have broken your toe, it is suggested that you consult with a podiatrist who can offer you treatment options that are correct for you.

A broken toe can be very painful and lead to complications if not properly fixed. If you have any concerns about your feet, contact Dr. Todd Goldberg from Complete Family Foot Care Center. Our doctor will treat your foot and ankle needs.

What to Know About a Broken Toe

Although most people try to avoid foot trauma such as banging, stubbing, or dropping heavy objects on their feet, the unfortunate fact is that it is a common occurrence. Given the fact that toes are positioned in front of the feet, they typically sustain the brunt of such trauma. When trauma occurs to a toe, the result can be a painful break (fracture).

Symptoms of a Broken Toe

  • Throbbing pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising on the skin and toenail
  • The inability to move the toe
  • Toe appears crooked or disfigured
  • Tingling or numbness in the toe

Generally, it is best to stay off of the injured toe with the affected foot elevated.

Severe toe fractures may be treated with a splint, cast, and in some cases, minor surgery. Due to its position and the pressure it endures with daily activity, future complications can occur if the big toe is not properly treated.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Littlestown, PA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about What to Know About a Broken Toe
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Wednesday, 12 July 2023 00:00

Are You Suffering From Ingrown Toenails?

If left untreated, an ingrown toenail can lead to more serious concerns, such as an infection. Knowing proper nail care can help in the prevention of an ingrown toenail. Give us a call, and get treated!

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Tuesday, 11 July 2023 00:00

Common Causes of Toenails

The big toe is generally affected when an ingrown toenail develops. An ingrown toenail happens when the nail grows into the side of the skin instead of over it. Common reasons for it to develop can consist of wearing shoes that are too tight, or it may happen if it is prevalent in family history. It may also occur from improperly trimming the toenails or if a foot injury has happened. The symptoms that are associated with an ingrown toenail can include redness and swelling, and it may become infected if medical attention is not sought. People who have diabetes have a higher risk of developing an infection from an ingrown toenail. If you would like additional methods of effectively preventing ingrown toenails, it is suggested that you contact a podiatrist who can provide you with useful information.

Ingrown toenails can become painful if they are not treated properly. For more information about ingrown toenails, contact Dr. Todd Goldberg of Complete Family Foot Care Center. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when a toenail grows sideways into the bed of the nail, causing pain, swelling, and possibly infection.


  • Bacterial infections
  • Improper nail cutting such as cutting it too short or not straight across
  • Trauma to the toe, such as stubbing, which causes the nail to grow back irregularly
  • Ill-fitting shoes that bunch the toes too close together
  • Genetic predisposition


Because ingrown toenails are not something found outside of shoe-wearing cultures, going barefoot as often as possible will decrease the likeliness of developing ingrown toenails. Wearing proper fitting shoes and using proper cutting techniques will also help decrease your risk of developing ingrown toenails.


Ingrown toenails are a very treatable foot condition. In minor cases, soaking the affected area in salt or antibacterial soaps will not only help with the ingrown nail itself, but also help prevent any infections from occurring. In more severe cases, surgery is an option. In either case, speaking to your podiatrist about this condition will help you get a better understanding of specific treatment options that are right for you.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Littlestown, PA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Ingrown Toenails
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An Achilles tendon rupture is a common injury. It can happen from falling or increasing mileage and distance too quickly while running. Many people hear a disturbing sound, such as popping or cracking, at the time of the injury, and it can be accompanied by extreme pain. Prompt medical attention is often sought for relief, and an X-ray can be performed to rule out a fracture. This can lead to having the Thompson test performed, which is done by squeezing the calf. This is successful in determining the plantarflexion at the foot and ankle. A positive test may conclude that an Achilles tendon injury has occurred. Effective treatment methods can consist of frequently elevating and resting the foot, and a supportive boot may be worn for stability as the healing process occurs. If you have endured an Achilles tendon injury, it is strongly suggested that you are under the care of a podiatrist who can help you to manage this condition.

Achilles tendon injuries need immediate attention to avoid future complications. If you have any concerns, contact Dr. Todd Goldberg of Complete Family Foot Care Center. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Is the Achilles Tendon?

The Achilles tendon is a tendon that connects the lower leg muscles and calf to the heel of the foot. It is the strongest tendon in the human body and is essential for making movement possible. Because this tendon is such an integral part of the body, any injuries to it can create immense difficulties and should immediately be presented to a doctor.

What Are the Symptoms of an Achilles Tendon Injury?

There are various types of injuries that can affect the Achilles tendon. The two most common injuries are Achilles tendinitis and ruptures of the tendon.

Achilles Tendinitis Symptoms

  • Inflammation
  • Dull to severe pain
  • Increased blood flow to the tendon
  • Thickening of the tendon

Rupture Symptoms

  • Extreme pain and swelling in the foot
  • Total immobility

Treatment and Prevention

Achilles tendon injuries are diagnosed by a thorough physical evaluation, which can include an MRI. Treatment involves rest, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery. However, various preventative measures can be taken to avoid these injuries, such as:

  • Thorough stretching of the tendon before and after exercise
  • Strengthening exercises like calf raises, squats, leg curls, leg extensions, leg raises, lunges, and leg presses

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Littlestown, PA . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about The Causes, Types, and Treatments of Achilles Tendon Injuries
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